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Xian to Dunhuang distance
The distance between Xi'an and Dunhuang is 1418 km. The road distance between xi'an to dunhuang is 1716 Km by road.It takes approximately 4h 56m to get from Xi'an to Dunhuang, including transfers. The quickest flight from Xi An Airport to Dunhuang Airport is the direct flight which takes 2h 35m.
How to get to Dunhuang from Xian?
Dunhuan g is located in Gansu Province in Western China, Xian is located in Shaanxi province. Around 1718km between Dunhuang and Xian city. The best way from Xian to Dunhuang is take the flight. There are 4 direct flights between Xian and Dunhuang every day. It takes about 2.5 hours by air. There is only one train (K367) from Xian to Dunhuang(22Hours).
How to travel from Xian to Dunhuang by Train
1)Train from Xian to Dunhuang
The distance between Xi'an and Dunhuang is about 1400 kilometers. At present, only one train commutes every day. The train number is K367, the departure time is 10:25 a.m. and the arrival time is 08:38 a.m. to the next day, taking a total of 22 hours and 13 minutes.
2)How to buy the train ticket
There are several ways to book train tickets in China, such as buy at ticket office once you at train station, book at China Railway’s official website, ask a travel agency or your hotel to help you to book, we highly recommend book the train tickets online on your own (www.trip.com), it’s very easy to operate and the credit card payment is accept. We suggest book the train ticket in advance in case they are sold out. We can help you to book train tickets as well, feel free to send you request via email. We will book the train ticket once we received the payment and delivery to your designated place.
Dunhuang Travel Tips
Tips for taking train
It’s very important to bring your passport along with you when you take train in China, it is required for collecting tickets and boarding the train. You should arrive at train station at 1 hour in advance before your departure time. Lots of stations in China start to accept passengers with e-tickets only now. For those passengers, they can enter these railway stations and get onboard via the manual channels with their ID certificate used to buy the e-ticket, like passport. In this case, you can print out your e-ticket beforehand.
How to travel from Xian to Dunhuang by Private Vehicle
The total driving distance from Xian to Dunhuang is 1716 kilometers. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to know how long it takes about one way driving from Xian to Dunhuang, so you can plan your Xian Dunhuang trip better. Normally it takes around 5 hours for one way.
How to travel from Xian to Dunhuang by Bus
There is NO direct bus between Xian and Dunhuang.
How to travel from Xian to Dunhuang by plane
There are usually 3-4 flights a day from Xian Xiangyang International Airport to Dunhuang Airport. You can transfer between these two cities in about 2.5 hours.
Flight Info. | Operater | Dec.-Apr. | Duration | Distance |
9H6013 | Air Changan | 06:15 ~ 09:00 | 2h45min | 1720KM |
MU2215 | China Eastern Airlines | 12:10 ~ 14:35 | 2h25min | |
EU2297 | Chengdu Airlines | 14:15 ~ 16:50 | 2h35min | |
MU9641 | China Eastern Airlines | 19:55 ~ 22:30 | 2h35min |
How to get to Mogao Caves from Dunhuang?
By Taxi: From Dunhuang to Mogao Caves, you can take a taxi, one-way is about 35 yuan.
By Bus: There are many CMB directly to the Mogao Caves in the urban area of Dunhuang. CNY 5/P.P. If you are going to the peak season, you can take the green leather bus near the Dunhuang Hotel and get a fare of CNY 8. If you stay late in the cave, you can take a minibus that picks up the staff after 18:00.
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